Friday, May 15, 2009
Fried Rice Spicy Sour Fresh Pepper
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Spareribs steamed Chinese uncle than black pepper
3.String bean seeds 20 g.
4.Mushrooms 4 piece
5.Black pepper 2 Tablespoon
6.2-3 coriander root
7.Water 2-3 cup.
8.Salt, white soy sauce ¼ Tablespoon
9.Coriander ½ Tablespoon
1.the water entering the pot and add spareribs. Make to heat until boil
2. reduce heat from electric power to soft and foam disposable spoon.
3. Add mushroom , pepper and braised until soft . put String bean seeds and mixed.
4. When boil ,season with white soy sauce , sprinkle with coriander and served by hot.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Carrot pork chops.
1. Water heaters, hot boiled pork bones.
Mix Fresh Mackerel
1. Scale mackerel. Rinse scoop nucleus. Put it to drain.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Brown Rice Salad
1. Manpo brown rice.
1.Clean manpo brown rice and then to enter the rice bowl, Put enough water floods, cooked, boiled
3.Put all ingredients except olive oil.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Brown Rice Boiled
1.Cook brown rice cooked 2 cup
2.Squid cut off 50 g.
3.Shrimp 50 g.
4.Radiated scallop 30 g.
5.Claw sea cook 2 piece
6.Braised leeks 1 tablespoon
7.Carrot Split fuzz 2 tablespoon
8. Dry cabbage leaves 2 branch
9.Salt 1 teaspoon
10. Soy sauce 2 tablespoon
11.Powdered pepper ¼ teaspoon
12. Soup water 3-4 cup
1. Bring a soup water to boil , Add cooked brown rice and boiled rice to boil until soft.
2. Add shrimp , squid and radiated scallop and boiled until cooked.
3. Seasoning with salt, pepper and soy sauce.
4. Insert cup scoop rice. Sprinkle on top with dry cabbage leaves. Braised leeks and scoop up to eat with breast fry sauce.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Grill Vegetable Salad
1.Sweet pepper 1 cup
2.Mushroom 1 cup
3.Eggplant 1 cup
4.Tomato ½ cup
5.Cucumber ½ cup
6.Shallot ¾ cup
Salad juice ingredient
1.Garlic chopped 1 teaspoon
2.Honey 1 tablespoon
3.Salt pepper mustrad 1 tablespoon
4.Oil 1/3 cup
1.Maked salads juice
- mixed salad juice ingredient except oil to homogenous.
- fill oil and stir.
2.Grill sweet pepper , mushroom , eggplant in flat pan with little oil.
3. When sweet pepper , mushroom , eggplant are cooked place to cool.
4. Add salad juice and tomato , cucumber and shallot.
5. Serve.
Monday, May 04, 2009
Roast Pork ,Sticky Rice
1. Pound coriander roots, garlic and pepper.
2. Mix oyster sauce, seasoning sauce, white soya sauce ,sugar, fresh milk, vegetable oil and mix.
3. Insert pork and mix mixture from 2 then mix for flavoring in pork.
4. Pork skewer with wooden. Laying on bowl and marinated approximately 1 hour.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Rice Soup
Ingredient :
1.Cooked rice 3 cup
2.White soy sauce 1 Tablespoon
3.Squid 30 g.Fresh shrimp 30 g.
4.Cabbage ½ cup
5.Onion or pandanus ¾ cup
6.Sesame oil
7.Powdered pepper
1.Mix cooked rice, white soy sauce, sesame oil and pepper to flour.
2.Clean Cabbage, To burn down in enough boiling water to soften. Scoop up water immersion in cold.
3.Bring mixed rice fill into the cabbage vegetables and wrap , wire with onion or pandanus.
4.Heat soup to boil , saucing by soy sauce, sesame oil and Powdered pepperthen add meat , carrot and wrapped-rice. Heat the boiled when meat and rice cooked scoop up to eating.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Plea Brown Rice
Plea Brown Rice
1.Cook brown rice cooked ½ cup
2.pork mashed or blend shrimp ½ cup
3.Lemon grass 1 ½ Tablespoon
4.Onion slice 1 ½ Tables
5.poonCarrot slice 1 ½ Tablespoon
6.Paprika slice 1 Teaspoon
7.Peppermint leaf 2-3 branch
8.Coriander 2-3 branch
9.Lemonade 2 ½ Tablespoon
10.Fish sauce 2 Tablespoon
11.Sugar 1 Tablespoon
12.leech lime leaf slice 1 Tablespoon
13.coriander 1 Tablespoon
14.Basil leaves
15.Yard-Long bean Cabbage
Process :
1. Mash all ingredients together lightly hand. Sprinkle with basil leaves ,coriander ,leech lime leaf slice.
2. Served with fresh vegetables.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Pla Kapong Nong
1.Giant seaperch fish 314 g.
2.Pepper 1 teaspoon
3.Lemon grass 2 tablespoon
4.Chili 1 tablespoon
5.Garlic ¼ cup
6.Shallot ¼ cup
7.Yard-long bean , kitchen mint 50 g.
8.Hairy basil leaf ½ cup
9.Preservative fish juice 1 tablespoon
10.Lemon juice 3 tablespoon
11.Salt 1 teaspoon
12.Fish sauce 2 tablespoon
1.Bring giant seaperch fish to scale and cut stomach then wash.
2.Bring garlic , pepper and lemon glass into mortar and crush with pestle until wrecked.
3.Bring to mixed with giant seaperch fish and saucing with fish sauce and salt then place for 10 minutes.
4. Bring hairly basil leaf place on streaming pot.
5. Bring mixed- giant seaperch fish into streaming pot and let to stream for 15 minutes when after fish cooked ladle on dish.
6. Bring garlic , shallot and chili into mortar and crush with pestle until wrecked , saucing with preservative fish juice , fish sauce and lemon juice then ladle and put on cooked fish dish.
7. Serve with yard-long bean and kitchen mint.
Use hairy basil leaf to pad fish before stream can reduce bad smell fishy
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Koong Tum Yum(Tum Yum Koong)
1. Vannamei Shrimp 1 lbs
2. Red chili 2 tablespoon
3. Lemon grass ¼ cup
4. Leave leech lime 3-4 leave
5. Parsley ¼ cup
5. Lemon juice 2 tablespoon
6. Fish sauce 1 tablespoon
7. Water 3 cup
1.Peeled and deviend vannamei shrimp.
2.Fill lemon glass and water into pot heat to boil.
3.Put vanamei shrimp in to boil water about 2-3 minutes.
4.When vanamei shrimp are cooked saucing with lemon juice , fish sauce and parsley.
5.Remove pot from heat and ladle into bowl in order to serve.
IF you like another shrimp ,you can use replace vannamei shrimp for Koong Tum Yum.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Meesoa Hoy Shell Black pepper
1.Soft boiled meesoa noodle 150 g.
2.Radiated scallop 30 g.
3.Crisphead 30 g.
4.Black pepper 1 teaspoon
5.Shell oil 2 teaspoon
6.Sauce ½ teaspoon
7.Butter 1 teaspoon
8.Vegetable oil 1 teaspoon
9.Garlic chopped 1 teaspoon
1. Fried garlic chopped with butter and vegetable oil in hot pan until garlic have yellow color and smell pungent.
2. Add radiated scallop , black pepper and shell oil then stir well.
3. Add crisphead , soft boiled meesoa noodle and stir well.
4. Saucing with shell oil and sauce.
5. Ladle into dish and serve.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Crisp Shrimp Toasted Roll
Crisp Shrimp Toasted Roll
1. Bread 4-5 sheet
2. Shrimp 8-10 shrimp
3. Butter 2 Tablespoon
4. Coriander root 1 Teaspoon
5. Garlic 1 Teaspoon
6. Pepper ¼ Teaspoon
7. Salt ¼ Teaspoon
8. Shell oil 1 Tablespoon
9. Vegetable oil
10.Tomato sauce
1. Peel shrimp and wash in clean water.
2. Bring shrimp to cut in stripe by knife 2-3 point and stretch by hand.
3. Pound coriander root , garlic and pepper . add shell oil , salt then mixed well after that bring to marinated with shrimp.
4. Cut off bread rim , knead the bread to tiny and flat then spread butter on bread sheet.
5. Place 2 shrimp on bread sheet and rolled . use tooth-pick or wooden pin clip on head and tail of roll bread.
6. Bring roll bread to fry in heat vegetable oil until the roll bread have a yellow color.
7. Spoon out and absorb oil , then serve with tomato sauce or another sauce that you like.
If you like another meat such as chicken or pork, you can use some meat that you like replace shrimp and sprinkle with sesame.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Grill Duck Fried Curry
Keang Phed Ped Yang(Grill Duck Fried Curry)
1.Roasted duck meat 1 cup
2.Tomato small balls ½ cup
3.Devil ‘ s fig 50 g.
4.Leech lime leaf 5-6 leaf
5.Sweet basil 1 banch
6.Fresh Yellow, green , red chili 5 seed
7.Coconut ½ kg.
8.Chili curry 50-60 g.
9.Fish sauce 3 Tablespoon
10.Sugar 2 Tablespoon
1.Pick the meat from the bone duck. Backpacks, split pieces grown moderately. The neck bone is a hack to the wing parts will not peel or meat from the bones. Meat is chopped up by bone fragments.
2. Crush the coconut cream: concentrated coconut milk 2 cup for chili cream puff. dilute coconut milk 4 cup for soup
3. Boil down of boned ,neck, wings with diluted coconut milk to soft and decay
4. Nip off tomato stem, and insert
5. Nip off devil ‘ s fig stem, and insert
6. Tear the central twig of leech lime leaf and tear to small piece 7.Clean sweet basil and nip off basil 8. nip off yellow, green ,red chili stem then slide by knife
9.Boil down 2 cups of concentrated coconut milk to float up during boiling. Add chili curry and stir fry until have smell spicy , then put roasted duck meat , leech lime leaf and stir fry , get input pot.
10. Bring soft –decay boned ,neck, wings with diluted coconut milk to heat then seasoning with fish sauce, sugar . Add devil ‘ s fresh tomato and chili chopped .When cooked add sweet basil and pair serve with rice.
Friday, April 17, 2009
BBQ Stuffed Squid
BBQ Stuffed Squid
1.Cook brown rice 2 cup
2.Fresh squid 30 g
3.Shred carrot square ½ cup
4.Shred pumpkin squares. ½ cup
5.Sugar pea ½ cup
6.Flour salt 1 Teaspoon
7.Pepper flour based 1 Teaspoon
8.Sauces barbecue
11.Sweet pepper
1.Cook brown rice mixed with cooked carrot pumpkin seeds and sugar pea then Seasoning with salt and pepper.
2. Bring fresh squid into clean water and drained to dry then mix mixture from 1 and stuffed in squid into full then Use toothpick skewer closed in order to prevent overflow while steam time. Wood used as the nib stabbing squid Bubbles to enter.
3.Fill water in steam pot and set fire to boil then steam until cooked squid to be.
4.The grilled squid on the grill and barbecue sauce to smear the cooked squid until become yellow color.
5.Serve with grilled vegetables as preferred.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Plaza Ra Songkeing

1.Coconut cream 1 cup
2.Gunther’s walking meat 1 cup
3.Bamboo shoot ½ cup
4.Winged bean ½ cup
5.Wild ginger slice ½ cup
6.Lemon grass ½ cup
7.Turmeric ½ cup
8.Shallot ¾ cup
9.Red chili ½ cup
10.Leech lime leaf 4 leaf
11.Galangal ½ cup
12.Plaza ra 1 cup
13.Sugar 1 tablespoon
14.Fish sauce 1 tablespoon
15.Tamarind water 2 tablespoon
1. Bring Plaza Ra to decay about 20 minutes.
2. To filter on strainer and pour water in to pot.
3. Fill fresh coconut cream milk and mixed.
4. Fill small piece of ingredient in to Plaza ra water such as galangal ,lemon grass,white threric ,shallot ,bamboo shoot,devil’s fig ,goa bean ,wild ginger and leaves leech lime.
5. Mixed and boiled.
6. Fill gunther’s walking meat or another fish meat that you like.
7.Maked a good tasted by fill tamarind water , sugar and fish sauce and serve.